Storms can occur throughout the year in Australia and it is important to stay safe. Electrical issues during storms can cause burns, electrocution and in some cases, fatal injuries. With that in mind, here are few ways to stay safe during a storm:
- Preparation is Key.
Tidy up loose objects such as garden furniture and building materials that could fly away in high winds. Large, flying objects can damage property or power lines. Identify and prune trees that may fall in a storm. Do not attempt to cut trees near power lines yourself. Always use a qualified contractor to trim branches near power lines. You can also report dangerous trees on your street to local council or to Ausgrid. Keep a powered flashlight and radio with spare batteries nearby. Keep your home weatherproof. Replace broken roof tiles, clean gutters, and repair leaks to prevent water from entering the home. Know where to turn off your power, gas and water supply in an emergency.
- Electrical Safety During a Storm.
Lightning storms are beautiful to watch, but behind the beauty can be danger. To avoid the risk of electric shock, there are a few things you should do before the storm: turn off sensitive electrical equipment such as computers and televisions when you hear the first rumble of thunder. Equipment can be damaged if they are connected to an electrical circuit during a lightning strike. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity. To reduce the risk of electric shock, avoid contact with water, pipes, sinks, or taps as much as possible during a thunderstorm.
- After the Storm.
After a storm, you should listen to the radio or check on the TV or online for damage and weather updates. If any of your electrical equipment was damaged by water, have it assessed and repaired by a licensed technician or dispose of it. Just because it looks dry doesn’t mean it’s safe to use. All wiring must be checked before use.
Avoid any fallen power lines when you go outside, especially those hidden in trees or among other storm debris. Do not walk near them or drive over them. Warn your neighbors and report the issue to Ausgrid on 13 13 88. Assess your home for damage, and contact the appropriate, licensed tradesman to fix any issues.
If you have any storm damage to your electrical supply or are experiencing tripping fuses or a power outage after your neighbours have their power back, give us a call. Well Connected Electrical Services can identify and fix the problem and make your home safe again.